
July-December 2022 update

In that day shall the deaf hear the words of the scroll and the eyes of the blind shall see out of obscurity, and out of darkness Isaiah 29:18


July-December 2022

Hereby perceive we the love of God, because He laid down His life for us; and we ought to lay down our lives for the brethren. 1 John 3:16”

Dear Prayers partners and Friends,

Greeting from EMCST.

We have our purpose of serving God who has called us into this ministry. As He laid down His life for us we ought to lay our lives for the brethren especially for the marginalized deaf children who need the love of God and care.


Just after COVID19 Era, here comes new wave of turmoil happening in some African countries where Chad is one of the affected:  ‘The Flooding’ affected specially the area where our school and church is located here in walia, N’djaména and the surrounding are severely touched. Our church is 200 meters from flooding, water continue to increase it volume until even now yet God is faithful we are indeed safe and trust Him in our daily activities running normally. However some of the parents of our school pupils’ houses were flooded and collapsed they have been evacuated in relief camps far away from school premise.

With request from some of the parents we took care of some of the pupils in our small boarding room they will remain here with us during the whole school session 2022/2023. Pray for water to sink down and let daily routine move smoothly. We are grateful for your prayers and donations received for the feeding of these pupils, God bless you.

(meet deaf schools pupils)

Kaou-Aya Emmanuel

Born with multiplies handicap (deaf and moderate mentally retardation). The parent kept him in isolation at home since his childhood until he reaches 21 years; on hearing of our school they enrolled him into our vocational training class due to his age. The parent did not register his birth certificate information as we requested for all new children enrolling to our school. We asked why Emmanuel do not has a birth certificate, they said because he is deaf! This is outrageous; they consider no use of a birth certificate for a deaf child born to them because he is no use according to most parents who usually enrolled their children to our school. We have to educate them before they will be convinced of the need. Pray for parents to have love and concern for the welfare of their children. Emmanuel is happy to move forward freely with his deaf friends. Every day he learns new sign language to communicate et



Both deaf children are blood brothers from same father and mother. The first born is Guigueti and second is Bonheur. Parents’ houses have been flooded and they moved to relief camp far away from school. The children have a bed in our boarding room. Both are happier than home they are punctual every morning into classroom and love playing and making new friends. Guigueti is in primary 3 while Bonheur primary 2. Pray for their parents who often have concern for them they frequented them every 3 days to see how far they are doing at school.


The girl smiling at the center of the picture above, surrounding with others pupils is sweet little pupi, very sociable and humorist with everyone in the school, she is loved by everyone because of her well behaved character. Often time she experiences minor headache we do not know what was the root of her illness but praying and hopefully she will be able to get better to cope with her classroom daily learning.

Teachers Training

We organized a workshop training for national teachers for the deaf held at the school for the deaf in Moundou from 8-11 September 2022 .37 participants from N’djamena, Sarh, Bebidja, Doba, Koumra,

Benoye, Bere, Bitkine and Moundou attended. All participants got his/her training handout.

The aim of the training is to help them acquiring technical skills in teaching and managing deaf pupils and students in their respective classes.

Teaching deaf children is a role of vocation and personal commitment based on the love that one takes to carry out his work among deaf children before transmitting knowledge to them. The workshop ended in 3 days with issuance of certification to the participants.

DeafNet Red star training

Among 3 of our facilitators for Red Star program in Chad. Mbaindi Djerandil is selected among African delegates to participate at this year 2nd training at Delabat School for the deaf Worcester South Africa. He is here since October and they will finish soon and have to present at DeafNet conference at Premier Hotel Johannesburg coming next week before returning. Pray for his safe back to Chad also for the implementation of Red Star program in our schools.



The 1st phase is completed at 90% and is in use since last October. We reach now the 2nd phase which is the 2nd floor at 50% works level. We are delighted and are thankful with your faithful prayers and donations. God bless you.

In His service

Pastor Yves Beosso


Donors – If you would like to help support our ministry, please send your donation to Christian Mission for the Deaf • PO Box 1651 • Aledo, TX USA. Mention the Chad ministry